About H-Booking.com

  • H-Booking.com is a business idea, to make Hotel booking, easy and quick online. This if you want to Book from your PC, tablet or mobile.
  • Our name is easy to remember. "H" has been the symbol of hotels, since immemorial times. Therefore we believe that it will be easy to remember H-Booking.com.
  • H-Booking.com will only offer Hotels and apartment's hotels on our sides. It will not be possible, for private providers, to offer their services through us. This will make us a pure Hotel site page, which are easy to recognize. Here's what you seek - and nothing else. We require that providers with us is an approved Hotel or apartment Hotel. This ensures that our guests get the quality, service and security you pay for.
  • We are working and hope to launch the booking system online before 1.6.24.
  • We are now in a development phase, where hotels and guests can pre-register.